Thursday, March 26, 2009

crazy tuesday

found this pic of metelfang from cobra snake. I'm sure this photo ws taking right before the club brawl madness. we ended up getting into a brawl that Tuesday night, due to an individual wanting to take my seat, so of course that wasn't goin to happen on my part, so he called his boys, and i called mines, me being the piece maker some how got my hand cut up and end up at a night in the hospital to get patched up. i hope those losers are happy, they just leaked themselves from meeting an well connected and awsome dude. hahahaa sukkas. WE GOT EM GOOD THOUGH, have you ever seen a flying bottle in the mist of a club hahahah, that's from via aki sukkas! we looked good in are UVT too that night. i guess it really was us versus them, theeey mad.

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